Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short essay on gratitude

Short essay on gratitude

short essay on gratitude

6/27/ · Gratitude involves appreciation and thankfulness towards others. Gratitude is the way of expressing kindness towards others. Feeling grounded towards others is the reflection of one’s Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins 4/25/ · The word gratitude is rooted in the Latin word, gratus, meaning ‘thankful’. Since positive psychologists began exploring the concept, they’ve found the Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Write a short essay on 'Gratitude is Great.' Medium. Answer 'Gratitude is Great' Gratitude is a feeling that makes one great. In fact, it is the highest form of evolution of a man's mind. Only sages and saints live in a perennial attitude of gratitude. Ordinary men and women's minds are cluttered with desires for carnal pleasures, but great

Essay on Gratitude

A big lie. An illusion even. And it is the thing that is eating us up. But somehow, we are blind to it — because it lies in our blind spot. We hate the government, and gawk at celebrities — wishing to be them. We daydream of money, wealth, and fame.

We are constantly chasing this or that. But very few times have we paused to appreciate what is right in front of us. I wonder if anyone noticed, but we do not live in anarchy or war.

No disease has successfully ravaged humanity in hundreds of years now. We have phones to call people from halfway across the globe instantly, short essay on gratitude. We have a variety of flavors of ice-cream to choose from and enjoy. We have cars. We even have a choice of entertainment. Things no one a few years ago could ever dream of, not to talk of enjoying. Who could have ever thought that rulership of the people would be by the people and for the people?

Who could imagine that we could make snow inside our bedrooms even under the scorching west African sun? Who could have imagined that we could have the wisdom of thousands of philosophers, doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc, short essay on gratitude. right at our fingertips, and for free?

Who could have imagined that a time would come when someone would survive malaria, a lethal cut, or being impaled by a spare? But today we can completely heal people of multiple gunshots — patch them up even better than they came in. We can swap carbon bones for titanium ones, short essay on gratitude. We can transplant hearts.

We can do a blood transfusion and even go for butt enlargement surgeries — just for the sake of vanity. We have a world where women are beginning to get respected and less objectified.

We have a world where slavery has been abolished. We have marble floors. We have air conditioners. We have millions of music in our pockets. We can start fire without cracking rocks. Few of us go to farms or raise animals but we have a regular supply of food and meat.

We have artificial intelligence that recommends movies for us, and also recommends social media feeds for us so we can get more of what we enjoy — conveniently and seamlessly. We have followers whilst there are those short essay on gratitude million followers. We came 10th in class whilst there is someone who came 1st, short essay on gratitude. We are eating vegetables whilst there are those eating entire chicken and turkey. Our dissatisfaction runs deep, short essay on gratitude.

And it cannot be quenched. It cannot be dissolved. It cannot be uprooted nor thrown away. How can it be expelled, when it is based on this gross dissatisfaction that we have built this world of luxury? Luxury and pleasure were never the goals.

It short essay on gratitude was. The goal has always been to chase. The aim has always been to climb. The aim has always been to conquer. All others are just illusions. It was never the win we were after. That was a mirage. It is like a kid who sees a mirage afar off besides a tree short essay on gratitude says to himself — based on his observations and calculations — that after 30 seconds they should have gotten to the location of the tree where the mirage is.

It is nice to think that driving faster is good for getting to this mirage. Happiness is not those things, neither is it in those things. You wanted candy, a bicycle, an admission, a grade, a lover, a job, a certain amount of money, a wife, kids, a name, good health, legacy, some more time, and now you want heaven, short essay on gratitude. There is no end to it. It is an endless chase. It is like a guinea pig on a wheel.

You keep running and running, doing a lot, but not quite getting anywhere. It seems the farther you run the farther happiness and satisfaction gets. It is weird. But what is weirder is the fact that you never seem to realize when you passed the short essay on gratitude mirage. We seem not to realize how much we craved. We seem not to realize how much blood was shed for the peace, pleasure, and luxuries we are walking and breathing in.

Flies go from eggs, larva, pupa, to adults within which they run around looking for the largest pile of shit to sink their faces intobefore exhausting their 30 days long life. Humans go from being a fertilized egg, fetus, baby, to adulthood within which they run around looking for money, short essay on gratitude, love, power, eternity — their favorite flavor of shitbefore exhausting their 80 years long life.

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Notify me of follow-up comments short essay on gratitude email. Notify me of new posts by email. Yet we are not satisfied. We are not. It is like thinking happiness is in money, fame, short essay on gratitude, or anything really. JUST ANOTHER LIFE CYCLE — Why we should be grateful nonetheless It is a normal and common occurrence. It is the nature of humanity. It is our life circle. So, should you stop looking for your pile of shit? It is your nature.

You should. Enjoyed this article? Short essay on gratitude to the newsletter and get notified once every week about new articles. Plus, you'd gain instant access to all newsletters - where you'd get great ideas for Free. Short essay on gratitude Your First name or full name. Insert Your Favorite Email Here. Dick David.

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A Moving Story About Gratitude

, time: 4:29

A Short Lesson on Gratitude

short essay on gratitude

Write a short essay on 'Gratitude is Great.' Medium. Answer 'Gratitude is Great' Gratitude is a feeling that makes one great. In fact, it is the highest form of evolution of a man's mind. Only sages and saints live in a perennial attitude of gratitude. Ordinary men and women's minds are cluttered with desires for carnal pleasures, but great 4/25/ · The word gratitude is rooted in the Latin word, gratus, meaning ‘thankful’. Since positive psychologists began exploring the concept, they’ve found the Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins 11/21/ · Simply put, gratitude is a habit. It’s a way of looking at the world and all the good things in it with a feeling of appreciation, regardless of whether or not your current situation is to your liking. Gratitude is a heart-centered approach to being at peace with yourself and with all you blogger.coms: 91

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